Framed by Karl

Framed by Karl

Framed by Karl

FRAMED BY KARL is a trademark of wooden spectacles and accessories by designer Karl Annus. His work is a combination of a significant sense of material, good craftsmanship and simple forms.

The design of his products is timeless and does not follow seasonal trends. Karl chooses materials according to his sustainably-oriented world view. A variety of natural-precious woods are used for crafting the frames, which are not coloured or toned in order to underline the pure aesthetics of the material.

To take the most out of the high-quality materials, Framed by Karl’s cufflinks and earrings are made from selected leftover pieces from eyewear crafting.

Framed by Karl wooden spectacles, cufflinks and earrings are spectacular accessories as well as functional pieces for everyday use.

Framed by Karl