We dream of an eternal summer, where each day is filled with sunshine and colours. Where you can do, whatever you want. Go, where ever you want. Be exactly who you want to be. You speak volumes about yourself without opening your mouth. We wish for your looks to say: yes, I am confident, inspiring, I love myself and I love beauty. MJU believes that beauty is the only thing that could save the world. Because beauty doesn’t care for your age, gender or passport – it is a language that everyone speaks! MJU was created by two young women – Anneli Akinde and Külli Kuusik.


Both have studied graphic art, both love fashion, art, chocolate and summer. They even share a favourite colour: it’s blue. But Külli prefers it to be bright like the Mediterranean Sea, while Anneli adores a deeper darker tone, which expands like the universe. The exquisite artwork of MJU comes to life thanks to Anneli. Külli takes her drawings and turns them into prints suitable for fabrics. Both women are inspired by everything beautiful, sweet and fun. This feeling shines through the prints, which are a joy to wear! All MJU products are designed in Estonia and printed in Great Britain. They are 100% soft and light silk.