“The meadow (“nurm” in Estonian) holds a very special place in my heart. It’s a magical land from my childhood, a place that always brought me joy, was full of surprises and when needed, offered comfort. Every year the meadow was awash with flowers and every year they were a bit different. Even now the meadow is a symbol of peace for me. It’s the untouched nature, the ever-changing sky and the air fragrant with the sweet aroma of flowers.


Meadow is a place to recharge your batteries, gather strength and relax – so you can make a fresh start with new power. Nurme way of life values both physical and spiritual contentment and living in harmony with the nature. We believe that to live a happy and active life it’s essential to listen to your body. Good health begins with taking care of yourself, laughing a lot and enjoying your life! And this is exactly what I want to offer everyone with Nurme products.” – Luule, Märt and Marit Tiits, founders of Nurme.