New multi-brand show on Tallinn Fashion Week
Tallinn Design House shows an exciting combination of Estonian designers at Tallinn Fashion Week.
Our multibrand show brings to the stage the creations of several renowned designers, like Pohjanheimo, Reval Denim Guild, Liisa Soolepp, Raili Nõlvak, Bïut, ALTON, Ivo Nikkolo, MJU, Alpaka, Studio August, Ellen Richard, Samelin and Sigrid Kuusk SOHO Collection.
Tallinn Design House represents over 100 Estonian designers. We’ll come closer to the fashion consumers with a combination of different brands by showing that different brands are easy to combine and wear. All sets on stage are immediately available at Tallinn Design House, Rotermann 14.
Tallinn Design House multi-beand show will be held on Thurdsay, March 22 at 21:00 in Tallinn Creative Hub (Põhja pst 27a, Tallinn, Estonia)